NGC 7793

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Obj Type
Date Taken:
NGC 7793
CTIO, Chile

Over 26 hours replique de montre of data combined to make this colorful image of NGC 7793, a galaxy in the Sculptor group, about 12.5 million lightyears distant. It is the first image produced by SSRO-South after a long hiatus, during which extensive reevaluation, testing, and tweaking was done of the mount and software in an attempt to improve the FWHM and aspect ratio of the images. The master LRGB subframes in this image have FWHM of 1.3-1.5" and aspect ratios of 5 or under.replique de montre 

NGC 7793 has a microquasar in one of the outer arms. The jets coming out of this system are seen as a small bright red triangular-shaped area (with a dimmer shell surrounding) fausse rolex in the lower portion of our image, to the left of center. The area is enlarged in the inset. Please view the following youtube video for additional information about this fascinating feature:

Technical Details
Exposure Time:
LRGB with 13 hrs Lum and 4.5 hrs/channel RGB
Apogee U9
RCOS Carbon Truss 16 inch f/11.3 Ritchey-Chretien
Planewave 200HR
© 2025 Mazlin
Used with permission, No reproduction of these images are permitted without written approval from Mazlin.